
The Ultimate Road TripMunsiyari To Dhanachuli

Road Trip To Dhanachuli from Munsiyari in a Suzuki S-Cross. From One Side of Uttarakhand (Garhwal ) to the other (Kumaon)

Good Morning Day 6. we’ve woken up really early today and the view of the rising sun with a backdrop of the snow capped Himalayas is nothing short of Spectacular. it is 6:30​ Am and the sun ray’s reflecting off the Panchachuli peak’s at a distance are magical. 4 hours later, the feeling of having to leave munsiyari is slowly sinking in, we are done packing up and it is time to say by to Biju’s Inn. What a place this had been. Obviously we did not feel like leaving here any time soon, but we had to move on. it was 10:40​ now and we were done loading up our stuff, Once again it was time to hit the road. we did not waste too much time and were soon on our way. we took a pitstop to soak in as much of the himalaya’s that we could. we were back on the narrow winding munsiyari Road, this time however the situation was very different. the sun was out and the weather was clear. this road was epic. by 1:30 pm we were at the end of the munsiyari road and were transported back into reality. there was major road work up ahead and the road was shut. after 3 hours of a blissful drive this was a buzzkill. with no other options at hand we got into the only shop that there probably was at Kwiti. We decided to explore the place, and set off on a trek. welcome to a place called DOr, we got off the main road and and followed an old path that led us to an ancient temple on the banks of a river (dont know which one) by the time we were done with this escapade and got back to the car, the road had thankfully cleared up. it was 4 pm and we were back on the road. 5 hours later we were approaching Almora, and thats when we got the cameras rolling again, the lights of the city at a distance could be compared to stars gleaming in the sky on these mountain roads. it was 10:00 pm by the time we crossed Almora, and our next destination dhanachuli was still 80 Kms away. The stretch from Almora to Dhanachuli was amazing, we did not see a single human being on this road, it was borderline spooky but equally mind numbing to know that it was just us and the road. we finally got to dhanachuli at close to 1:30​ Am. We weren’t expecting food at this hour but our friends at Camp ArtScape were right up there in the hospitality department. After some rum and boiled eggs for dinner it was time to pass out. Day 7 Welcome to Camp Artscape at Dhanachuli, this was the last leg of our Uttarakhand Expedition. Dhanachuli is again at a height of over 2000 meters and is close to Mukteshwar. it was now around 10:30 am and our stomach’s were growling for food, the road to the dhanachuli market is a 15 minute trek from the campsite, and will give you a sense of what step farming really looks like. we got to the breakfast place by around 11:15 am. Nothing fancy for breakfast, but that doesnt mean that it was not tasty. The Next Stop was the BhaluGhad Waterfall. we got here by around 1:15​ in the afternoon. yes there is a 10 Rupee per person ticket that you need to procure before you can head on the trek to the actual water fall. 15 minutes later we were on our way to the the waterfall. it was quite a distance. After half an hour of him leading the way, we finally got to a point where we came across the sign board that read “Water Fall” so it is true, there is a water fall. There was still some distance that we had to cover to get to the water fall, and some parts of this trek were trechearous. It was almost 2:30​ in the afternoon now and we had made it to the Waterfall. While there may not have been too much of water rushing down the sides of the mountain, we were told that no one knows the exact depth of the water at the base. it looked like a little pond but we were warned and asked not to get into the water because no one was really sure about how deep it was and also a few people had drowned here recently. for once we adhered to the instructions given to us by the locals. in 40 minutes we were back to the gate and on our way to where the car was parked. We got to Camp Artscape at 4:15​ in the evening, dropped our friends back at the camp and were now on our way back to delhi. An amazing journey from one side of uttarakhand to the other was finally coming to an end. The Land Of Gods and Temples was truly heaven on earth. We had mixed feelings, the Joy of having been there was now being mixed with the profound sadness of having to leave this enchanting place. Haldwani was where civilisation starts, we stopped off at a Pizza Hut there, had a coffee the first one in 7 days. And drove into the night.


The Ultimate Road Trip – Munsiyari

Hello Everyone & Welcome to episode 6 of our Uttarakhand expedition. For those of you who are just tuning in, Getting to this part of Kumaon was a journey in it self. You can click on the link which is on the top right corner to check out the last episode. Now Coming Back to what we have in store for you today .. . Munsiyari is a part of the Pitoragarh District in Kumaon, Nestled in the Snow Capped Peaks of the HImalayas, This scenic mountain settlement is perched at an altitude of 2300 Mts. Hotel Bilju’s Inn is where we managed to get a room the night before, we will come to details on the place later. We were done with breakfast and on the road by 10 AM. it was impossible to imagine that this was the same road that we were on last evening except for the fact that it is Narrow As Fuck. Every turn had a spectacular view of the Himalayas. we took a break at 10:30 to capture some breath taking views of the Panchachuli peaks. As we kept getting higher on the mountain road we could see a corresponding increase in the density of the snow that was on it. The Kala Muni Temple is around 15 Kilometers from Munsiyari in the direction of Birthi Falls, we got to Kala Muni Top at 11:00 Am. It is close to 3000 Meters Above Sea Level and covered with Snow. The Kala Muni Temple Faces the Nanda Devi Peak And the Locals have great faith in the blessings of Goddess Kali. According to local legends, way back in time a certain Maharishi Kala Muni would be surrounded by wild animals while performing daily rituals at the temple. We completely believe in this legend and had our own encounters with some very furry and adorable Wild Mountain Dogs. We played with them till they lost interest and went else where in search of food.. And then got on to doing things which we normally wouldnt have.. yes we were now behaving like tourists and posing for pictures right in the middle of the snow laden road. We were out of Kalamuni Top by 11:30 and on the way back to Munsiyari when we had the opportunity to see a few Himalayan Vultures in Action. This was a brief but upclose encounter with nature. Food was definitely not a priority Today, It was 1 in the afternoon now and we had been driving around the town aimlessly. We got to point from where we could see what was perhaps the only cell site that there is in Munsiyari, from a distance. It wasn’t a proper road or any thing that led us there, but we wanted to go. so we went, and in the bargain we had discovered the Best Spot in all of Munsiyari. We pulled up on the edge of this valley where the cell tower was, and got out to take a look at the snow clad Himalayas at a distance. We then proceeded to the absolute edge where the tower had been constructed, and the view of the valleys surrounding the tower were a different level of spectacular. Trust me, radiation from that tower was the last thing we a hoot about. we could see all of munsiyari from this point, it was mind numbing After an hour of doing nothing but chilling out, looking around and being awe struck from every angle, the time had come for us to move on. With a very heavy heart and a lot of reluctance we got into the car. It was then that we realised that the Nanda Devi temple at Munsiyari is not very far from here, and that was where we were headed to next. The Nanda Devi temple is dedicated to the revered Goddess Parvati and the temple reserves a special level of importance in the lives of the people here. The temple itself is just one small white structure, but it is a 3 km trek from the base at where we had parked. Apart form a never before experienced serenity, the view of the Panchachuli Peaks was breath taking. it was evening but the sun wasn’t setting any time soon, and we were not in a mood to go back to the hotel. we aimlessly drove around and were on a quest to explore the town. we had now entered the Baazar area which was once a bustling hub for trade with tibet. The Munsiyari Bazaar is knows for Medicnial Plants and herbs amongst other organic agricultural produce. Done with our little exploratory quest we were headed back in the direction of our cosy hotel. We stopped to take one last glance at the Panchahuli Peaks which were set against the early evening skies. we were at the hotel by sunset, now as you’d recall we did not have much of a choice but to check into Bilju’s Inn, but then again this just worked in our favour. This is one hotel with a view. For some reason it looked like we were just a few kilometers away from the moon, it almost looked like some one had switched on a warm white lamp. but what was really epic was how the snow clad himalaya’s light up in the moonlit skies. We ordered food, ate it while staring out of our window in amazement of our sorroundings and went to bed soon after. So long for now, and stay tuned for more from our trip in our upcoming video.


Garhwal To Kumaon The Ultimate Road trip. Going To Munsiyari in Uttarakhand

Road Trip To Munsiyari in a Suzuki S-Cross. From One Side of Uttarakhand (Garhwal ) to the other (Kumaon) Day 2 Tungnath Chopta – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Rudraprayag- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Day 3 Rudraprayag- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Devimanda- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Gandasu- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Karnaprayag- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Karkot – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Srinagar- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Rudraprayag – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Day 4 Rudraprayag- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Gauchar- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Kranaprayag – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Nautha – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Sunaun – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Deorada – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Tungeshwar- Garhwal, Uttarakhand Gwaldam – Garhwal, Uttarakhand Garkhat – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Dangoli – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Dhal Malla – Kumaon, Uttarakhand National Highway 309 A Taknar – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Chaukori – Kumaon, Uttarakhand State Highway 11 , Kumaon Uttarakhand Thal – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Nachnani – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Tejam – Kumaon, Uttarkhand Birthi Falls – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Khaliya Top – Kumaon, Uttarakhand Munsiyari – Kumaon, Uttarkhand


Delhi To Uttarakhand The Ultimate Road trip. Tungnath Chopta

Saket – New Delhi Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand Devaprayag, Uttarakhand Bagwan Laga, Uttarakhand Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand, Kund, Uttarakhand, Chopta, Uttarakhand, Tungnath Temple, Chopta Uttarakhand, Chandrashila, Chopta Uttarakhand